Frets On Fire Song Pack

Frets On Fire Song PackFrets On Fire Song Pack

Hi guys!
If you stuck on this error trying to launch old FoF versions (better ones !!) since you've installed SP1 in Win7:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File '', line 38, in ?
File 'GameEngine.pyo', line 36, in ?
File 'Engine.pyo', line 28, in ?
File 'World.pyo', line 23, in ?
File 'Player.pyo', line 29, in ?
File 'Song.pyo', line 26, in ?
File 'Audio.pyo', line 155, in ?
File 'Numeric.pyo', line 91, in ?
File 'multiarray.pyo', line 12, in ?
File 'multiarray.pyo', line 10, in __load
ImportError: DLL load failed: Incorrect Parameter.
I think you'll love me ^^!
I've spent long hours to find this file, but I don't deserve all the credits, respect the author!! (who recompiles the file)
Apparently the Win7 SP1 affects a Python function, which is located in the 'multiarray.pyd' file of Frets.
This solution is working on MFH 3.030 but should work great on Alarian, RFMod, etc...
You just have to replace the 'multiarray.pyd' file in your '..FretsOnFireData' with the one in this archive:
Launch FretsOnFire.exe and, let's rock!
(source: thanks to them)
PS: If you experience problems, just know that during my researches, I installed Python 2.4 and 2.6, and the unofficial Numeric python library (
so if you still have errors, try to install them too! (but should work without 'em)
good luck and enjoy old school Frets :tongue:

Frets On Fire Song Pack Download


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For those who like Lake Bodoom, here is the songs for your frets on fire game. I also added Children of Bodoom live and also Children of Bodom Lyric, so you can play, lsten and sing on these song. Lake bodom rocks. Posted in Frets On Fire Songs, Pack Songs 0 comments. Frets On Fire Pack Songs Torrent. 9/30/2019 Though the Frets on Fire forums are almost completely inactive with dead links galore, a very kind user named Micicle has posted a massive, very well-organized archive of old material from the forums. I found everything I was looking for specifically as well as a metric fuckton of stuff I didn't even. Bueno les dejo un Link con el block de notas dentro vendra La informacion de los pack Y cada uno de los Link.No Olviden agradecer si les gusto mi aporte c:y. Free download page for Project Frets on Fire Song Packs's Song Pack.rar.Free song downloads for Frets on Fire, synchronized by Daniel Schmidt. Feel free to ask for new songs in the Feature Requests.

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