Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Test

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Understanding customer personality styles (Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive) will quickly tell you just how and what to say to each customer. Although every customer is different, most can be grouped into one of four groups: Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive. Here are some basic characteristics of each of these personality.

Personality Styles

Posted by Adam Hayes


Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Test Answers

Understanding customer personality styles (Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive) will quickly tell you just how and what to say to each customer.

A is driver, b is amiable, c is expressive and d is analytical. A is amiable, b is driver, c is expressive and d is analytical. A is analytical, b is amiable, c is driver and d is expressive. Negative descriptors or weaknesses include moody, negative, critical, rigid, legalistic, touchy, self-centered, unsociable, and impractical. Examples of the Analytical personality type include Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein. The Amiable Personality. The amiable personality falls in the quadrant formed by the boundaries of introvert/Feeler. Analytical, Driver, Amiable and Expressive are the 4 main personality types or styles. Here is detailed information about each one. Analyticals People who are the analytical type like to be well organized and analyze everything in their life. They look before they leap and will check the facts before making decisions or judgments.

Although every customer is different, most can be grouped into one of four groups: Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive. Here are some basic characteristics of each of these personality styles.

Analytical - Analytical people are known for being systematic, well organized and deliberate. These individuals appreciate facts and information presented in a logical manner as documentation of truth. They enjoy organization and completion of detailed tasks. Others may see him at times as being too cautious, overly structured, someone who does things too much 'by the book'.

Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Test Online

  • controlled
  • orderly
  • precise
  • disciplined
  • deliberate
  • cautious
  • diplomatic
  • systematic
  • logical
  • conventional

Driver - They thrive on the thrill of the challenge and the internal motivation to succeed. Drivers are practical folks who focus on getting results. They can do a lot in a very short time. They usually talk fast, direct and to the point. Often viewed as decisive, direct and pragmatic.

  • action-orientated
  • decisive
  • problem solver
  • direct
  • assertive
  • demanding
  • risk taker
  • forceful
  • competitive
  • independent
  • determined
  • results-orientated

Amiable - They are dependable, loyal and easygoing. They like things that are non-threatening and friendly. They hate dealing with impersonal details and cold hard facts. They are usually quick to reach a decision. Often described as a warm person and sensitive to the feelings of others but at the same time wishy-washy.

  • patient
  • loyal
  • sympathetic
  • team person
  • relaxed
  • mature
  • supportive
  • stable
  • considerate
  • empathetic
  • persevering
  • trusting
  • congenial

Expressive - Very outgoing and enthusiastic, with a high energy level. They are also great idea generators, but usually do not have the ability to see the idea through to completion. They enjoy helping others and are particularly fond of socializing. They are usually slow to reach a decision. Often thought of as a talker, overly dramatic, impulsive, and manipulative.

  • verbal
  • motivating
  • enthusiastic
  • convincing
  • impulsive
  • influential
  • charming
  • confident
  • dramatic
  • optimistic
  • animated

If you are able to quickly identify the personality style of the customer, you will know the 'hows' and 'whys' of what to say to meet their needs. Once they feel that you truly understand them and feel an emotional connections, they will come up with the logical reasons to buy from you.

Now, if you don't feel that you belong to any one group, don't worry either. Many of us (myself included) don't fit squarely in one group or another. However, we do have one dominant personality style that we use day to day. Recognizing pros and cons of your specific personality style can help you understand how to better deal with your customers.

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Companies today are expanding the role of teams in the workplace in an effort to empower employees and improve organizational effectiveness. The more we try to work as a team, the more important it becomes to recognize that people exhibit different behavioral styles.


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Companies today are expanding the role of teams in the workplace in an effort to empower employees and improve organizational effectiveness. The more we try to work as a team, the more important it becomes to recognize that people exhibit different behavioral styles. I use the term “behavioral style”, purposely avoiding the terms “personality” or “attitude”, because unless we are psychiatrists or psychologists, we are not qualified to evaluate such things. All that we can see and deal with is a person’s behavior.

There are four major behavioral styles: analytical, amiable, driver and expressive. Please note that I am using an extreme simplification of each particular style. It is doubtful that all people of a particular behavioral style exhibit all of the characteristics portrayed.

Analytical—This behavioral style is noted for the ability to gather and review data. This style is typical of people in technical positions such as engineering, accounting and information technology. Details and accuracy are important to these people, and they take great pride in providing information that is correct.

Skills: Analyticals are persistent and don’t mind spending extra time to make sure things are right. For the most part, they are orderly and present ideas or solutions in an orderly manner.

Caution: Due to their desire for accuracy and attention to detail, analyticals can come across as indecisive. They can also be critical of solutions that veer from what the “facts” say. They have little use for gut feelings and may go to great lengths to avoid dealing with those who do.

Favorite word: Why?

Best Performance: Allow them sufficient time to gather and interpret information.

Amiable—Amiables are highly supportive individuals interested in establishing and maintaining relationships in an organization. This behavioral style is typical of employees in human resources and social or medical services.

Skills: Amiables are great at achieving consensus within an organization. They can effectively facilitate groups and bring sides together to develop a win/win solution.

Caution: Sometimes an amiable person’s desire to reach agreement may cause the person to conform too easily, intent in maintaining relationships rather than reaching the best solution.

Favorite word: We.

Best Performance: Encourage amiables to initiate and stand behind their ideas. Allow them to maintain relationships in the organization.

Driver—Drivers, as the name implies, are often the driving force behind getting things done in an organization. They are results-oriented individuals who are motivated by goals. Drivers typically gravitate to positions in management and sales.

Skills: Drivers are effective at time management, seeming to possess an innate ability to devote just the right amount of time and effort to things that need to be done. Drivers rarely struggle with making decisions.

Caution: Because they are so driven for success in a timely manner, drivers may neglect the impact that their actions have on others. They may be viewed as willing to do almost anything to get the job done.

Favorite word: When?

Best Performance: Give them options and probabilities, allowing them to formulate their own decisions whenever possible.

Expressive—Expressives are company visionaries, good at grasping the big picture. Expressives typically gravitate to positions in marketing and strive to get ahead in an organization. They are truly the “politicians” in an organization, establishing and using contacts extensively.

Skills: If you need to develop new concepts, then enlist the help of an expressive. Their ability to size up a situation based on personal experience can assist them in finding creative solutions, perhaps never considered by others.

Caution: Being so confident of their “gut feelings,” they may often ignore or neglect facts that are presented to them. Their lack of attention to detail can be an obstacle.

Favorite word: I.

Best Performance: Show interest in their ideas and compliment them, even if you are not sure they are totally deserving of such praise.

There is no one best behavioral style, and it is not your personal style that is important. What is important is recognizing the behavioral style of others so that you can deal with them effectively.

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